Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's the little people that truly matter

No matter how bad my day may be going I know just looking at this little face will make me feel better about everything.
I feel very fortunate to have such an awesome little boy in my life and thankful everyday that he is healthy and happy. He is the light of my life, my joy, my happiness, and I never even saw him coming. I feel like he was sent to me specifically to save me from my downward spiral into nothingness.
Everyday he becomes smarter and smarter, showing me new things that he has discovered about life. I feel so blessed to have such a caring person love me so much the way I know he does.
Just recently when I was really sad and couldn't hold back my tears around him, he instantly stopped what he was 'yammering' on about to just look at me with concern in his eyes, only to climb up on my lap and give me a very heartfelt hug. Of course, how can anyone even contain their feelings after such a gesture? It truly amazes me how incredibly smart and loving these little people in our lives are, and for that especially I am forever thankful.

Good Morning?

So here it is, my first Blog ever....and I'm going to complain

I woke up sick today, stuffy nose, sore throat (you know the drill) really sucks. I'm so tired and haven't been getting much sleep lately due to the 28.5 weeks of pregnancy that I am dealing with at the present time. All I want is a good nights rest-no interruptions. I also have an on-the-go 2 year old (Raiden) to play with all day, while my very rested boyfriend (Bryce) heads off to work to enjoy a Pizza party..
Meanwhile, If I wanted-or felt like going out, I can't. Bryce took our family car to work so I am stranded at home-not that it is a beautiful day out or I had any concrete plans anyhow.
As I look around my "getting-smaller" apartment it is the same thing all the time, Empty cans, a food wrapper of some sort, a chair out of place, cushions on the couch array, random video game controllers, dishes or cups from yesterday, toys, and little boy clothes strewn about the floor as if they were purposely placed there to make me feel even more claustrophobic.
As if you didn't guess it already, I will be the one putting things to order, I guess you could say it is my "work" away from work. When you feel as tired and drained as I do, all you want to do is sit around and relax, not worry about cleaning or changing dirty diapers-which seems to be every 15 minutes. I could go on for hours about how frustrating it can be, but I will spare you-for now, And I will go back to my daily nightmare-as it seems-and be a housewife.