Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Toopy and Binoo

So, my son loves this show on Treehouse called, "Toopy and Binoo." It's one of those shows that even when he is in a different room of the house and it comes on, he drops everything to go watch it! Well, for his birthday this year, his Nana bought him tickets to go see them when they came to town.
Never having been to any sort of 'concert' type thing I was a bit skeptical on the outcome (Raiden is also a BIG wimp when it comes to "real-life" characters). BUT, as the day arrived and after LOTS of psyching up about the show, Raiden was super excited to go!

When we got to the theatre to park he was even more excited about going because of all the other little kids that were there. I think that is what might have really helped the most! (all the other kiddies :P)

We instantly got in line to get all the merchandise they were selling (it's hard to find anything Toopy and Binoo anywhere!) I bought him a T-shirt and a light up 'magic' wand...that almost 90% of the children had during the show.

Once the show had started he was so into it, and he had a Great time! He was asking me all the time when they had left the stage, or during the intermission when it was coming back on again! it was super cute, and I'm so glad to have shared this experience with my sweet boy <3>

*During the intermission, I took him up to the stage to take a picture!*

When it was over he stood in the corner becuase he didn't want to leave,
So I guess that meant that he had a pretty awesome time! He was happy again when I had agreed to take him 'next year' to see Toopy and Binoo again! ;)

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